The Bolivian working class demolish the reformist policy of the renegades of Trotskyism that support the Bolivarian revolution from the left
The farce of the Bolivarian revolution, which is heroically confronted by the Bolivian masses showing the path of the struggle for the whole working class of the continent, was and is supported “from the left” by the renegades of Trotskyism.
All of them gave it their political support and today they are undressed before the revolutionary offensive of the proletariat of the Altiplano. The Bolivian working class is right! The reformist left of the renegades of Trotskyism are the servants of the native bourgeoisies!
The Partido Obrero of Argentina, under the clasical justification of stalinism to support the native bourgeoisies, called to vote for Evo Morales “not to give space for the right”, it did the same before the Bonaparteist fraudulent referendums. In Venezuela, the (UIT) Unidad Internacional de los Trabajadores –which’s more important currents are IS (Izquierda Socialista) in Argentina and USI in Venezuela- called from the leadership of the Venezuelan UNT (National Union of Workers) to get ten million votes for the re-election of Chavez. Alan Wood openly became an international minister without portfolio of the Venezuelan government, the same one that today is violently attacking the working class with devaluation, inflation and sacking 1.800 state workers. He gave the Transitional Program to Chavez while giving the program of the Bolivarian bourgeoisie to the masses.
In Honduras, befote the military coup, all of them called to defend democracy, not with the methods of the proletarian revolution, but with the subordination to the “democratic front” of the Bolivarian Zelaya, who ended with a pact with the coupists and giving the resistance of the masses up.
The renegades of Trotskyism of any color, kept the stalinist strategy of pressure on the Bolivarian bourgeoisie to make it “take socialist measures” and, this way, subbordinating the most combative of the American proletarian vanguard to the Bolivarian bourgeoisie and its pact with the butcher Obama who head the imperialist offensive.
ELAC and CONCLAT, led by the LIT-CI: First with Montes, traitor of the COB and then giving the backs to the industrial workers of La Paz.
Always to the feet of Evo Morales and the Bolivarians!
The Morenoist LIT-C was the bridgehead imposeing the subordination of the most combative sector of the proletariat to the Bolivarian bourgeoisie and Obama. In 2008 they called the Workers’ Latin American and Caribbean Encounter (ELAC). There, there were leaders of the dockers of Oakland, USA, who came from paralyzing the ports to stop the shipping of war supplies to Afganistan; leaders of the Venezuelan UNT; of trade union centrals of Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, Haiti; Conlutas of Brazil. But the main figure that the renegades of Trotskyism put on their shoulders was Pedro Montes of COB and all his clique of bureaucrats supporters of Evo Morales. Only a few weeks after this congress, Evo Morales with his army massacred in Caiwasi the miners of Huanuni, disarmed and condemned to isolation by Pedro Montes. The LIT-CI has supported internationally the bureaucracy of the COB and this way has imposed the subordination of the most combative sector of the proletariat before the Bolivarians. Today the cry of the working masses in Bolivia is: Montes traitor, out of the COB!
Then, in mid 2010, as the continuity of ELAC and as part of the centralization of the reformist leaderships in a world level to sustain capitalism in crisis, the CONCLAT met in Santos, Brazil. The industrial workers of La Paz were confronting Evo Morales and fighting to overthrow Montes of the COB to be able to conquer a worthy wage and pensions. In this congress, the industrial workers proposed “to confront the demagogy of the Bolivarian governments and to defeat the traitor bureaucrats”. The CONCLAT with the LIT-CI at the head, where all the currents of the renegades of Trotskyism were there, rejected the motion and mounted a real fence against the combative industrial workers of La Paz. Today the Bolivian working class demonstrates that the industrial workers of La Paz were right and that the renegades of Trotskyism are servants of the Bolivarian revolution! It is necessary to break with the policy of ELAC-CONCLAT in the whole continent!
The PSTU: to the feet of Total-Petrobras and to the backs of the revolutionary workers and peasants of Bolivia
Today, the PSTU and the LIT-CI want to maintain the fence against the Bolivian working class. CONCLAT and the bureaucracy of the CUT, Conlutas and the Intersindical keep a scandalous silence before the tasks of the Brazilian working class against the multinational that plunder Bolivia as the Brazilian Petrobras, frontman of Total. They constantly rejected to call the Bolivian workers to expropriate Total-Petrobras, as the Brazilian workers have to do. This way they try to break all the internationalist solidarity between workers. They are servants of the multinationals that launched the gasolinazo against the Bolivian working class and that earlier than later will mercilessly attack the Brazilian workers!
What the Bolivian proletariat needs and deserves is the internationalist unity of the working class under a revolutionary leadership that takes its combat against imperialism and the native bourgeoisies to victory.
The Fourth International will stand up again! Its liquidators and buriers, never!